Business Acumen Resource Center Launches First Chapter of Toolkit

The Business Acumen Resource Center and its partners released the first chapter of the Business Acumen tool kit.  The toolkit is being developed to prepare community-based organizations (CBOs) to contract with integrated health care entities and provide tools and resources to help expand the ways CBOs do business. The toolkit is being released chapter by chapter.

In 2016, the Administration on Community Living (ACL) awarded the Business Acumen for Disability Organizations grant to the National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD), of which NASDDDS is a partner. The purpose of the grant was to build the capacity of community-based organizations (CBOs) serving people with physical and/or intellectual or developmental disabilities to contract with integrated care and other health sector entities. The HCBS Business Acumen Resource Center equips disability CBOs with business resources, information, and training that promotes sustainability in a changing environment. Collectively, these tools support the development of business relationships between disability CBOs and health plans, integrated health care entities and other payers that result in positive outcomes for individuals with disabilities.